

To address the challenges faced by Nigeria in striking the balance between Economic, Social and Environmental issues and development that will lead to the attainment of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development goals as stipulated in UN circular of September, 2015.

We want to be at the forefront of preserving and  protecting  our environment  for the future of our children  and  generations yet unborn.

WAENVI Objectives

Accessibility to safe drinking water

To help develop measures that will contribute to the availability and access to safe drinking water for communities particularly the  rural dwellers.

WEFE NEXUS evaluation

Carry out WEFE NEXUS interdependence evaluation for the creation of scenarios and tools for decision making in  respect to water, energy and agricultural  management for social-economic development of the Nation.

Three pillars of sustainability

To contribute to the attainment of the pillars of sustainability i.e. Environment, Economy and Society through Innovative Research and development.

Risk assessment

To conduct human health and environmental risk assessment  within the Niger Delta and other oil producing areas of Nigeria, to evaluate the  level and potential human health risk of toxic  chemicals in available  drinking  water and then propose measures to reduce such risk to acceptable and safe levels.

Protection of natural resources

Research and develop measures to improve on the living conditions of  settlements and communities  without inflicting damages on natural resources and the ecosystem.

Flood and erosion control

Develop measures for reducing flooding and soil erosion in agricultural lands in Nigeria to a minimum.

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