
Integrated water resource management, water quality assessment, climate change adaptation in the water Sector.

Air quality management, global climate change and decision support system.

Wastewater management, wastewater reuse in agriculture and irrigation, desalination.

Solid waste management, hazardous materials and health care waste management.

Green construction, building energy efficiency and circular construction economy.

Renewable energy research and management.

Soil quality management, ecology and biodiversity; and integrated coastal zone management.

Environmental management system including issues related to pollution, global warming, deforestation and desertification.

Environmental sustainability issues, disaster risks assessment and management.

Climate change and sustainable development

Environmental conflict resolution and mediation mechanism.

Education in water resources and environmental management in order to attain the UN sustainable development goals.

Involuntary resettlement issues, land degradation and biodiversity control.

Community health and safety, cultural heritage management, population and gender studies.

Stakeholders’ engagement and information disclosure

Legal and administrative framework for environmental planning and management

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