Prof Dickson E. Oriakhi



Dr. D.E. Oriakhi is a Professor of Economics with specialization in Public Finance/Public Sector Economics. Majority of his research outputs are focused on Public Expenditure, Taxation, Political Economy of Growth in Africa, Revenue Enhancement and Management in the Nigerian Economy amongst others.

Professor Oriakhi has participated in several World Bank, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) programmes and projects.

He has served in several academic positions, and some of these include: Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Benin; Head, Department of Economics, University of Benin; and Member, Board of Studies of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi. Prof Oriakhi is currently, the Deputy Center Leader (Procurement) of the World Bank Assisted Sustainable Procurement, Social and Environmental Standards Enhancement Center of Excellence (SPESSCE) at the University of Benin.

Prof Dickson Oriakhi is a member of the Research team that won the Tetfund National Research Grant on Flood Frequency Analysis and Watershed Management within the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. He is a member of the Nigerian Economic Society and the Nigerian Environmental Society.

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