Prof Jacob Odeh Ehiorobo



Prof. Jacob Odeh, Ehiorobo holds a PhD Degree in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. He is a Professor of Applied Geomatics, Water Resources and Environmental System Engineering. He joined the University of Benin, Department of Civil Engineering on transfer f rom Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, as Lecturer 1 in 1991 and rose through the ranks to the position of Professor. He is a Fellow/Member of several professional bodies amongst which are;

Fellow, Nigerian Institution of Surveyors (FNIS)
Fellow, Nigerian Institution of Civil Engineers (FNICE)
Fellow, Nigerian Association of Hydrological Sciences (FNAHS)
Fellow, Nigerian Institution of Production Engineers (FN.IProdE)
Fellow, Nigerian Institution of Oil and Gas Research and Hydrocarbon Studies (FIOGR)
Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC)
Fellow, Institute of Project Management and Development (FIPMD)
Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers (MNSE)
Member, Nigerian Environmental Society (MNES)
Member, Nigerian Institution of Environmental Engineers (MNIEE)
Member, Nigerian Association of Geodesy (MNAG)
Member, Nigeria Institute of Management (MNIM)
Registered Surveyor (SURCON) and a COREN Registered Civil Engineer

His research focus includes; Environmental Hazard Monitoring and modeling, Water Resources Modeling and Integrated Watershed Management, Highway and Transportation Engineering as well as Geotechnical Engineering. Professor Jacob Odeh Ehiorobo has authored over 100 Research Papers in learned journals and chapters in books both locally and internationally, and over 200 technical reports covering a wide range of fields including Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Surveys and Measurements, Highways and Transportation Infrastructures, Water Resources Engineering, Flood and Erosion as well as Environmental Impact and Post-impact studies. In 2014, he was appointed consultant for community mobilization in Environmental and Social Awareness campaign and Erosion Control Management for the world Bank, assisted National Erosion and watershed management project (NEWMAP) for Edo state.

Prof. J.O Ehiorobo was Assistant Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Benin between 2004 and 2008, Pioneer Faculty Coordinator/Dean Faculty of Environmental Sciences (2014 2018), and the Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration, University of Benin (2017-2019). He is Managing Editor of the Journal of Civil and Environmental Systems Engineering and Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology (NIJEST).

Prof. J.O Ehiorobo has supervised many students at Undergraduate level, and over a 100 students at Master’s and PhD levels in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Highway and Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering as well as Geomatics Engineering in the department of Civil Engineering, University of Benin from where he retired in June 2020 but still assisting the University in the Supervision of Post-Graduate Students Pro Bono. He has been an active member and Technical Coordinator of the European Commission/NEPAD Centre of Excellence in Water Science and Technology Research Group for West Africa (UNIBEN CoE) and also lead Researcher for the National TETFUND Award Research Project on “Flood forecasting and Integrated Watershed Management within the Niger Delta Region”.

In 2016, he was appointed Research expert Consultant by the European Commission (Joint Research Centre) as special Consultant on Research in Water, Energy Food and Environment (WEFE) NEXUS Assessment in South-western Nigeria as part of the EU-NEPAD African Network of Centres of Excellence Research Project and this he successfully executed with his team. Professor J.O Ehiorobo is a recipient of several awards including the Distinguished Leadership in National Development Gold Award by Corporate and Media communications Limited, Meritorious Service Award by the Nigerian Institution of Civil Engineers, NICE and has been listed twice in the Book of “Who is Who in Civil Engineering in Nigeria” 2018 & 2020. He has served as guest speaker/ Lecturer at various events organized by various professional bodies both at the State and National levels in the past.

Professor Jacob Odeh Ehiorobo is currently the managing Director/chief executive Officer of Jeffa Geosurveys and Technical Services Ltd. He is Founder and Chairman, Board of Trustees of WAENVI JEFFA FOUNDATION, a Non-Governmental Organization established early in 2021.

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